Holistic Financial Planning

After 21 years we still work with our first ever family.

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Paul Huggins, Canterbury
Request a FREE 1 Hour Initial Consultation
Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Paul Huggins, Canterbury
Request a FREE 1 Hour Initial Consultation

A Clear Philosophy for Wealth Management

We passionately believe in an evidence-based approach to investments and pensions. Decades worth of data indicates it delivers more reliable and consistent long-term performance.

Communication is invaluable, with you and other professionals involved in your affairs. To provide the best service, we must understand your financial situation, your goals, and your preference for risk or security.

Secure technology platforms let you check the performance of your finances, whenever and wherever suits you. We often look at new technology for best of breed solutions to help us improve our services.

Our financial planning service is founded on strong relationships. We still work with our first family after 21 years. Contact us to find out how we can help you, the first call and meeting are free.

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Paul Huggins, Canterbury